Friday, 7 October 2016

Planting for Polio

This week, Ellon Rotary members and Interact Group joined forces with some members of EAGer bunch to plant crocus bulbs - 1000 in total!
Here you can see them putting the bulbs into pots.  This means when they come up in spring, we can arrange them into a big "P for Polio" as the activity is to help raise funds and awareness to put an end to polio.  Click here to find out more about the campaign.

We also planted some into the ground - in a circle around the willow wigwam (an ongoing project!)
The ground had been prepared previously - a difficult job as it is very compacted!
They should give some lovely colour in spring.
Megan and Fergus then covered the bulbs with compost and mulch to protect them from the elements.
Meanwhile, other jobs last week were to move the tables in the poly-tunnel to make space for the brick paving... 
... painting a display sign for our wildlife area...
...potting on plants that are growing strongly...
...and removing honesty seeds from their papery seed pods ready to sow in spring.