Thursday, 10 November 2016

Four P's show progress in the garden!

A lot has happened since our last post.  The four P's stand for:

A Pile of topsoil
Perfect Patio
Poly-tunnel Tastings and
Potting up Seedlings!

The topsoil was donated and delivered by David Reid who has some of the original topsoil from the site as it was being prepared for the new school.  This means in a way, it is "coming home" to our garden!

We were also given some "left overs" by the contractors on site once they had finished their landscaping work.

The patio now completes the hard landscaping in the poly-tunnel.

A huge thank you to Liz our volunteer for her skill and hard work in getting the cobbles laid so well!
 Also, thanks goes to Micheal, Euan and Luke who have been moving slabs in preparation for laying patios and paths outside.  Sterling work boys!

The EAGer bunch have been tasting the peppery leaves and flowers of the nasturtiums in the poly-tunnel.  They also enjoyed taking fresh lettuce home with them....
...and worked hard to get the poppy and foxglove seedlings into pots.

We have also been making our own paper pots - ideal for the small seedlings.
Other news: we have made a start with outdoor raised beds - first laying weed barrier to kill the grass in preparation for path building...

..laying out timbers...
...and filling the new raised beds with home-made (RIDAN) compost and topsoil.