Monday, 28 October 2019

Soup Share event with Ellon Resource Centre

First day back after the October holidays - Monday 28th October - we hosted the Ellon Resource Centre folks for soup, rolls and Rhubarb muffins :)

The soup was school-grown and cooked by pupils - Carrot and Coriander, and Pumpkin.  The muffins also had our very own rhubarb in.
A huge thank you to (retired) Mrs Brown for coming in to do the catering.  S3 pupils helped her whilst others were setting up bowls and plates in the poly-tunnel.
Thanks also to S5 pupils who helped carry equipment and tables out to set up ready for our guests.
Whilst everyone enjoyed the food, Miss Swallow did a little speech and then presented individuals with a certificate to thank them for all their hard work in the garden.  The group help maintain the garden throughout the spring and summer so they have a huge impact!  They were also awarded a Green Butterfly Badge each to wear with pride - these were given to us by the Aberdeenshire Environmental Forum to acknowledge the fantastic garden we now have at the Academy.
Thank you to everyone for coming - see you again in the Spring!

In a spot of other news - during the holiday, we took delivery of a Gazebo for the Memorial Garden area.  Peter Haycock from Trimstyle Decor delivered it in person to us.
We hope the paths will be constructed during November and will then be able to build this structure so things should be looking a lot better by the Spring time when we can hopefully start landscaping and planting!

Friday, 11 October 2019

Garden Awards Ceremony

Front row left to right: Jim McColl from BBC's Beechgrove Garden programme presents S3 pupils Darren Bryce, Jacob Vavangas and Dougal MacIver with their Grow and Learn Roots Award.  
Back row - Ross Watson (S5) was awarded his Silver ASDAN certificate, Collin Stirling representing the Royal Caledonian Horticultural Socitety and Head Teacher Pauline Buchan 

Pupils worked really hard to clear the poly-tunnel classroom of all our paraphernalia! 
They carried chairs across... 
...and set them out for the guests.
Everyone was very excited!
We also tidied the main poly-tunnel tables ready for soup and sandwiches to be served.  Pupils had made the soup with Mrs Adamson and kept it in the freezer - potato and broad bean, carrot and corriander - all from our own produce.  So a huge thank you to the cooking team!
We also laid out folders of work for our Jim and Colin to see.
All the pupils welcomed Jim and Colin at the door and escorted them to the garden area.
They chatted as they walked...
...and gave Jim a full tour of all our planting and composting areas.
They thought the raspberries were delicious!
Once parents and carers arrived, the seniors served soup and sandwiches for all to enjoy.
Dr Richardson's class had a good discussion around trees and climate change...
...then it was time for the ceremony.  Miss Swallow welcomed all those assembled and spoke about the course and a little about seeds!  Mrs Buchan awarded the ASDAN certificate, then Jim McColl gave a talk and awarded the Grow and Learn Certificates.
Each pupil also got a pin badge to wear with pride!
Thank you to all those who came to the ceremony and also to those who help so often behind the scenes - your efforts are much appreciated and make such lovely occasions possible!
💮  😊  💮