Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Work continues in earnest

Pupils have continued to work hard preparing for the summer season - both during classes and at lunchtime.
We are weeding and mulching the beds ready for crops.

Cara has turned this…

…into this…

…and also swept the polytunnel…

…whilst William and Skye helped tidy dead pots from past years.

Kody, Jyle and Lawrence have continued to learn about the mowers and cut the grass

William has used the chipper…
…to chop our “stick pile” up for covering soil between plants.
We’ve also had some fun in the garden playing giant jenga

…and connect four!

Ellon Timber delivered more building materials for us.

Meanwhile, Miss Swallow has managed to turn this…
…into this!  That’s the last bits of path finished at last (just 8 years or so after we started them all!)

Kody is also restoring his plant stand so that we can have a herb garden in pots this year :) 

Thanks to everyone for your hard work and enthusiasm so far - keep it up and the garden should look great this summer!