Saturday, 1 April 2017

Work work work!

Everyone has continued to work extremely hard in the garden.
We laid more drainage pipe...
...and the boys helped to shift four tonnes of gravel into place in just a few days!
It all needed raking and levelling before the weed barrier could go back into place.
We had happy and emotional times in the last two weeks.  Luke has now left us and we wish him well for the future.  We gave him a send-off with celebratory cake plus a "do" with signed card earlier in the week.
**Photos awaiting permissions**
Lots of people have used the garden this week: Liam came out to water his seeds and pot on some plants, the S2 Grow and Learn class sowed a variety of small seeds into the poly-tunnel border and...
...we welcomed four Primary 7 Pupils to the garden.  They came to see the place and sowed a selection of climbing bean seeds into pots.  
Lewis, Jakob, Darren and Dougal all chose a different bean - borlotti, Yin yang, French climbing bean "Matilda" and Purple Podded bean so it will be interesting to see and taste the different types!
We look forward to their return after the Easter break to check on the seeds once they germinate.
Meanwhile, Liz made excellent progress with the path, 

or should I say "paths"!
The lads laid sand ready for more slabs...
Euan planted gooseberry bushes...
...and "step-over" fruit trees.  This means they will grow sideways forming a "live fence" that should give plenty of fruit in future.
We started to spread granite gravel into a new seating area
and the EAGer bunch helped plant up a few more baskets.  Mrs Russell's ASDAN class have been planting and selling them for mother's day to raised funds.
They also got "stuck in" moving more topsoil into the raised beds
Liz started to make a picket fence to help strengthen the rabbit fence - and prevent strimmers making holes in the wire!
Miss Swallow was invited to collect a trailer load of well-rotted manure to spread onto our borders.
"Pot-man" keeps a sturdy eye on us all!  Any suggestions for a name?
Our little helper waters the pansies
The strawberry plants get planted into a raised bed and watered

We finished the week with a cup of hot chocolate and cake each - thank you to our core team for all the hard work you have done this term!
We would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter Break and look forward to more progress out here next term!

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