Today was the last day in school during National Gardening Week. The S3 Horticulture Class all earned merits for their effort and focussed behaviour this morning. They worked in pairs - pricking out seedlings in the poly-tunnel, potting up cuttings out on the patio and starting to rake the muddy area loosened by the digger yesterday. Ross also put food and sawdust into the RIDAN hot composter.

At lunchtime, the EAGer Bunch sowed small seeds into trays - coriander, verbena bonariensis (a tall flowers to attract bees) and curly kale.

Jakob and Joy potted up more cuttings...

...enough to make a small hedge in future!

Staff from the art department came out for a picnic and enjoyed relaxing on deckchairs in the sun :)

This afternoon, Mrs Moir brought out her Practical Craft Skills class (Ryan and Ross here) to help celebrate the close of National Gardening Week instead of being inside the workshop.

We had a list of 4 jobs...

Taking out the cold frames from the poly-tunnel now the winter is over.

They will now be used to harden off crops before we plant them out into the raised beds.

We then weeded the borders...

...and raked the soil ready for new crops to go in.

It was 26 degrees centigrade inside the poly-tunnel! Ryan cooled down outside (just a pleasant 22degrees) by cleaning some plant labels.

Our next job was the "deckchair challenge!" Who could put theirs together the best?

A bit of a puzzle!

They needed testing out of course!

We now have a set of four for visitors to enjoy. Well done boys!

Finally we used "draw hoes" to make wide drills in a raised bed...

...then planted seed potatoes into them.

As they grow, we will earth them up to encourage more tubers to form.
So, all in all a very busy and productive National Gardening Week at Ellon Academy Garden. We hope all our visitors enjoyed themselves and will be tempted to return in future. Well done to all pupils and volunteers who have spared time to help out with jobs! Such help enables us to have the garden looking as good as it does so THANK YOU!! :)
Enjoy the May bank holiday weekend and we look forward to more action in the coming weeks .
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