We had a great team in the garden and the weather could not have been better for us. Here is a brief summary of our achievements:
Potting on pansies
Planting out chard...
...and climbing beans.
Kai and Adam worked independently to make a compost container...
...to help tidy up the dalek bin area.
Angela and Mrs Dilworth weeded behind the seat and re-potted the bamboos as they were getting very dry and pot bound. They also did a fabulous job of watering and mulching the borders inside the fruit cage.
Darren also helped plant peas to grow up the frame.
Kai and Adam finished tidying the compost area then enjoyed learning how to use the mower.
Angela worked with Mrs Anderson to plant out strawberries and runner beans, then joined Grant from Ellon Primary emptying spent bulbs from pots to make more room on the storage shelves.
At lunchtime, Ross brought Mrs Murdoch from the library to tour the garden. She is looking forward to holding lunchtime reading sessions in the library in future :)
Darren helped Miss Swallow treat the new shed extension...
...to help preserve it...
...whilst the other two lads were both strimming and mowing.
Newly planted and watered strawberry plants

In the afternoon, the BBQ needed assembling ready for day 3.
This turned out to be quite a challenge!
Kai tidies up around the shed with the strimmer
Darren potted up small seedlings from a seed tray.
We put up a second gazebo...
...and set up an outdoor kitchen.
Meanwhile, the art pupils brought out their wooden character that has been elaborately painted. It will be mounted on a post like an artisan scarecrow - watch this space!
We lit the BBQ...
...and started cooking :)
We had a lovely lunch with lots of extra visitors - some of whom enjoyed partaking in the hot melted chocolate bananas!!
All in all it was a busy productive three days. Everyone worked really hard despite the extreme heat at times! The garden progressed and is looking substantially better as a result of all your hard work folks, so well done and THANK YOU!
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