Wednesday, 29 April 2020

National Garden Week - WEDNESDAY

Photosynthesis.  Many of you will know this is one of my favourite words!  It is made up of two parts:
  1. photo = to do with light (like photography, photo-sensitive)
  2. synthesis = making, putting something together (like a synthesiser for making music, or putting together ideas to write an essay, or mixing substances to produce a compound in a chemical experiment)
Green plants do this every day all day!  They use sunlight to power a chemical process.  It is very complicated and yet very simple too!  Let’s keep it simple here:
Plants USE light, carbon dioxide and water to MAKE sugars

The complicated word for different kinds of sugar is carbohydrates (“car-bo-hi-drates”).  The plants make leaves, stems, flowers, roots and seeds out of their carbohydrates.  This means we can eat salad, potatoes, carrots, apples, raspberries, tomatoes, pumpkins…I could go on and on!  Even if you love burgers and steaks, they wouldn’t exist if the cows didn’t have grass to eat – and of course grass is a plant that uses photosynthesis to grow.  Even fish in the seas depend on phyto-plankton which are plants and they use photosynthesis to grow and reproduce.

The process of photosynthesis produces not only sugars but oxygen too.  That’s handy for us as we need to have oxygen in the air to be able to breath!
So as you venture outside for your exercise and fresh air today, spare a moment to look at something green – something that is using photosynthesis to grow.  It is spring and many seedlings are just starting this process.  See if you can spot some seedlings – even if they are just weeds.  Also, look up to the bigger trees and branches to see if you can spot a leaf starting to uncurl.  Photosynthesis is like an engine that powers life on our precious planet.  Take a deep breath and then say the word out loud: PHOTOSYNTHESIS!
I love it!  Do you?  S3 pupils – you can tell us what seedlings you spotted in our TEAMS meeting tomorrow 😊

Picture Copyright: By At09kg : originalWattcle : vector graphics - This file was derived from:  Photosynthesis.gif:, CC BY-SA 4.0

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