Friday, 18 December 2020

We wish you all a safe and peaceful Christmas


It has been a busy term in the gardens.  The S4 boys were proud to end the term by presenting Mrs Buchan with a home-made natural Christmas wreath.  She was thrilled and impressed by their crafting skills!
Darren and Dougal made the base rings out of willow...
...then the others helped tie in the evergreen foliage.
They enjoyed making them and so...
...we made one for Mrs Wilson too!  You can see Dougal has also made a Christmas star wand to cast a spell on her!
Word spread of our activities, so we got commissioned to make two more in Memory of senior pupil Harvey Western whom we sadly lost during the lock-down period.  Our wishes go out to his family at this difficult time.
There has also been much activity in the Memorial Garden.  Here you can see Ryan starting to build a willow arch.  The Ellon Youth Forum can up with the idea and will help us complete it when the weather permits.  They are also fundraising for a seat to go under it along with gabion seating around the garden.
Here you can see some of the group...
...they have been working hard to help clear stones and weeds to stop them re-growing.
We look forward to springtime in the hope that we will be able to start planting areas and installing seating.  We also hope to assemble the gazebo so things will really take a leap forward.
In other news, we have been cutting back old stems and keeping paths clear...
...pruning, feeding and mulching our trained fruit trees...
...feeding the birds...
 and harvesting the last of our produce.
We have been making up boxes every week, always a little different...
...and staff have been very happy to buy them.  Thank you to all who have supported the garden fundraising by purchasing our veggie boxes!
We often get feedback on the different recipes that folk have enjoyed with them!
So, from all of us in the garden teams, we wish you a very Happy Christmas break and look forward to seeing everyone safe and well in the New Year.

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