Thanks to the JEP class for securing the polytunnel doors before Storm Bert arrives this weekend. A big shout out goes to William C who also went over and above this afternoon by doing the RIDAN (our hot composter)…

The EAGer Bunch meet every Friday lunchtime. We aim to build a garden where we can grow lots of edible produce and encourage wildlife with flowers and habitat boxes. We hope to enjoy eating the food we grow and sell some to help us buy more seeds. This blog will also keep you up to date with the Memorial Garden project and other Horticultural events around Ellon Academy. We hope you enjoy it - become a follower and feel free to join in by making comments!
Friday, 22 November 2024
Over and Above
Thanks to the JEP class for securing the polytunnel doors before Storm Bert arrives this weekend. A big shout out goes to William C who also went over and above this afternoon by doing the RIDAN (our hot composter)…
Tuesday, 19 November 2024
Rush before the winter weather!
Friday, 1 November 2024
Preparing for Spring!
Yesterday, our Interact group along with members of Rotary came to the garden to plant crocus bulbs as part of the “End Polio Now” scheme. It was lovely to have so many people visiting!
The pots will be watered and cared for and put on display in our “plant theatre” in Spring. More bulbs were given for planting into the Memorial Garden to add colour to our spring orchard.
Our Junior Enhance Provision class have been digging up delicious red potatoes…
Senior pupil Sean has worked really hard to bring the garden round after the summer holidays - mowing, strimming and hedge cutting!
Meanwhile, Miss S has been improving the accessibility of the garden by cleaning and adding guide lines to the paths and patio.
Friday, 5 July 2024
Floral Delights
…and took them to the classroom to trim and arrange.
We delivered them to the library and they looked lovely on the tables.
In other news, Simon Whitworth from “Keep Scotland Beautiful” came that afternoon to have a full tour of all our gardens. He enjoyed listening to our plans and how we use the garden for teaching and learning plus a huge variety of activities. We look forward to his report later in the year and seeing what level we are awarded. He loved what we have been doing and our plans for the future.
Wednesday, 3 July 2024
Interact sunflower seeds germinate
Back in May, members of Interact sowed sunflower seeds. They returned on Wed 12th June to see how they were getting on.
All hands on deck for concreting - Episode 2!
This saved us a lot of time and energy!
On Monday, volunteer staff helped Sean and Miss S to mix more concrete. As a team, we worked fast to keep the mixer supplied and turning.
Thanks to Mrs Nicholson, Miss Noufal and Mr MacClarence for your hard work, and to Miss Thomlinson for helping to pack away in the rain! Over and above for Sean M! 😎
One more push, and this platform should be ready for our gazebo!
Monday, 24 June 2024
A hot day for hard work!