Friday 24 May 2024

Sowing Seeds of Summer and Creating Floral Bouquets


Today we were joined by some members of Interact (who work with Rotary: "Interact clubs bring together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self") 

We sowed lots of different types of sunflowers not only to brighten the summer garden, but in solidarity with Ukraine as it is their national flower.

Some were "Giant", others included "Magic Roundabout", "Moonshine" and "Velvet Queen".  We hope to pot them up in June and plant them out into the beds before the end of term.

On Wednesday, we were delighted to be asked at short notice to provide mini bouquets for the refreshments area of the Prizegiving ceremonies.  We foraged in  the productive garden, wildlife area and memorial garden to gather many colours and textures.

We put together six vases...
and put them on tables to provide some cheer.

In other news, the seniors have been building an unfinished path (just six years after it was started!) - watch this space for pics soon!  They have been grass cutting and sowing seeds.
Juniors have been helping with potting up seedlings & cuttings and planting potatoes and onions.  They have also been delivering rhubarb to staff.  Thanks to all those those who supported us by buying a bunch or  even two!

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