Friday 14 June 2024

Work work work…and relax!

 This last couple of weeks we have been doing many varied jobs.  We continue to improve access by finishing unmade paths.  This is before…

…and after.  Slabs will be next.

We started breaking up the rotten Stirling-board path as it is very slippery in wet weather and was only ever intended to be temporary.
With all hands on deck we made quick progress…
…then relaxed as soft rain fell!

Another day, we started digging it over as it was very compacted.  Scott from the lunch club 
then dug and raked it.  We plan to sow grass then lay a mesh for it to grow through to aid pedestrian and wheelchair access. 

We’ve been weeding areas of the memorial garden to plant perennial flowers…

…and raked outside the wall…
…to made a relaxation area for reading and play.
Talking of play, we have obtained an old sink…
…to make into a “mud kitchen”.  Lawrence cuts down a pallet to make a utensils track.

Lawrence and Quinn also sowed wild flower seeds…

and watered them.  This will make a colourful patch in the wildlife garden.
Meanwhile behind the scenes Miss S has been cleaning paths…
…and painting edges…
…to give contrast and aid navigation round the garden.

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